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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Ferrara Ensemble/Young / Figures Of Harmony - Songs Of Codex Chantilly

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Presented in a stylish 4-CD box set, here is a comprehensive recording of one of the most enigmatic manuscripts in the history of European music, preserved in the museum at the Chateau de Chantilly in France. Anything that can be sung, can be written in music notation, claimed an anonymous treatise on notation in the late fourteenth century. The harmonies thus captured on parchment represent an apex in Western music, associated with the wealthiest courts in Christendom, called decadent by some. Various elements of improvisation - avant-garde dissonance, astonishing rhythmic complexity, arching, lyrical melisma - meld into musical forms which test the boundaries of late Gothic sensibilities. Here are love songs for the End of the World: A time of deadly plague, devastating earthquakes, endless war, disintegrating religion, and the explosion of science and measurement.発売日: 2015/2/24輸入盤レーベル: Arcana Records収録曲:コメント:Presented in a stylish 4-CD box set, here is a comprehensive recording of one of the most enigmatic manuscripts in the history of European music, preserved in the museum at the Chateau de Chantilly in France. Anything that can be sung, can be written in music notation, claimed an anonymous treatise on notation in the late fourteenth century. The harmonies thus captured on parchment represent an apex in Western music, associated with the wealthiest courts in Christendom, called decadent by some. Various elements of improvisation - avant-garde dissonance, astonishing rhythmic complexity, arching, lyrical melisma - meld into musical forms which test the boundaries of late Gothic sensibilities. Here are love songs for the End of the World: A time of deadly plague, devastating earthquakes, endless war, disintegrating religion, and the explosion of science and measurement.

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お届け日: 2025.02.27〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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