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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Sarah Connor / Not So Silent Night【K2022/11/25発売】 (サラ・コナー)

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NOT SO SILENT NIGHT is not a classic Christmas album with Ave Maria and Silent Night, but a record with 12 new Christmas carols that they wrote themselves. Not so Silent Night describes a typical Christmas celebration at home. In 24th I sing for those who can no longer be with us and whom we miss especially at Christmas. Actually a normal Sarah Connor record, I think. Its just not quiet. Because for me, as the title of the record says, Christmas is not just a contemplative celebration, if Im honest. For a working mother, Christmas means much more than just a time of contemplation. Its mostly stress. I sometimes send little prayers to heaven like: Of course I love the Christmas carols, the decorated windows and the illuminated streets, the kitsch. But I hate the overconsumption, the hectic pace, how quickly everything is over, and how everyone pulls together on Christmas Eve to avoid sensitive topics. I miss my beloved grandmother terribly every Christmas and I dedicated the song Santa, if youre there to her. I love the excited childrens eyes and I love organizing Christmas for them and I hope that we can continue to do so for a very long time maybe someday with a female Santa who has a different skin color than me or come on a futuristic car instead of a sleigh.. like in Christmas 2066. Through the eyes of my kids I can still believe in the magic and wish to Christmas Eve indeed wholehearted peace to the world they live in. One thing doesnt change at Christmas or in English: I make songs and lyrics close to life. And as a mother, daughter, sister, woman, its a bit like praying that everything will be fine. Its Christmas at our house2022/11/25 発売オランダ盤レーベル:POLYDOR IMPORT収録曲:

KN企画 RCB ブレーキパッド【S2シリーズ/セラミック】CBR250R/RR【フロント用】 01DP048Z kn926 その他 バイク

origami PRODUCTIONS 5th Anniversary Special Disc 2007-2012[CD] / オムニバス

オウルテック MOT-SCBCCG200-PK MOTTERU USB Type-C to Type-Cシリコンケーブル 200cm シェルピンク 2年保証

WAKAI コーススレッド赤箱 全ネジ

SDガンダム BB戦士 鉄機武者鋼丸 (142)

X AUTOHAUX 1個 16mm 0.63

MEINL マイネル トレーニングパッド 6" Benny Grebモデル MPP-6-BG 【】

玄関マット 室内 屋内 洗えるおしゃれ ネイビー シェニール織り ゴブラン 上品 滑り止め付き 約50×80cm 約60×90cm 送料無料

【8/4(日)20時~8/10エントリーでP5倍!】フリード GB5 GB7 スタビライザーリンク スタビリンク フロント 右側 L15B GMB 1005-17411 GSL-HO-36R 51320-TDK-J01 H28.09~

サンダイヤ キャップ 490P-04

残り 1 3814.2円

(38 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.02.24〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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