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【輸入盤CD】【新品】New Order / Substance (2023 Expanded Reissue)【K2023/11/10発売】(ニュー・オーダー)

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Digitally remastered and expanded four CD edition. Originally released via the legendary Factory Records, Substance compiled all of the bands singles to that point in their 12" versions with many of their respective B-sides and specially new recorded versions of Temptation and Confusion. The album also included the biggest selling 12" single of all time, Blue Monday, alongside other classic singles The Perfect Kiss, Bizarre Love Triangle and the bands debut single release Ceremony. The album is the bands biggest selling to date, with over one million copies sold, going platinum in the US with a Top 5 hit in True Faith. The 4CD version includes the original 2CD set remastered with two additional CDs. CD3 expands the collection with alternate versions and extra b-sides. CD4 features an unreleased concert, Live from Irvine Meadows, California, September 12, 1987, where the band uniquely played the entire album in sequence.発売日: 2023/11/10輸入盤レーベル: Warner Records収録曲: 1.1 Ceremony (Version 2) [2019 Remaster]1.2 Everythings Gone Green (2019 Remaster)1.3 Temptation 87 (2023 Remaster)1.4 Blue Monday (2020 Remaster)1.5 Confusion 87 (2023 Remaster)1.6 Thieves Like Us (2020 Remaster)1.7 The Perfect Kiss (2022 Remaster)1.8 Sub-culture (John Robie Remix) [Substance Edit] [2023 Remaster]1.9 Shellshock (Substance Edit) [2023 Remaster]1.10 State of the Nation (2023 Remaster)1.11 Bizarre Love Triangle (Shep Pettibone Remix) [2023 Remaster]1.12 True Faith (2023 Digital Master)2.1 In a Lonely Place (2019 Remaster)2.2 Procession (2015 Remaster)2.3 Cries and Whispers (2019 Remaster)2.4 Hurt (Substance Edit) [2023 Remaster]2.5 The Beach (2020 Remaster)2.6 Confusion (Instrumental) [2020 Remaster]2.7 Lonesome Tonight (2020 Remaster)2.8 Murder (2020 Remaster)2.9 Thieves like Us (Instrumental) [2020 Remaster]2.10 The Kiss Of Death (2022 Remaster)2.11 Shame of the Nation (2023 Remaster)2.12 1963 (2023 Digital Master)3.1 Ceremony (Version 1) [2019 Remaster]3.2 Mesh (2019 Remaster)3.3 Temptation (2018 Remaster)3.4 Confusion (2020 Remaster)3.5 Perfect Pit (2022 Remaster)3.6 Dub-Vulture (John Robie Remix) [2022 Remaster]3.7 Shellcock (2022 Remaster)3.8 Bizarre Dub Triangle (Shep Pettibone Remix)3.9 True Dub (Shep Pettibone Remix) [2023 Remaster]3.10 Confusion Dub 87 (2023 Remaster)3.11 True Faith (Shep Pettibone Remix) [2023 Digital Master]4.1 Ceremony (Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987)4.2 Everythings Gone Green (Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987)4.3 Temptation (Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987)4.4 Blue Monday (Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987)4.5 Confusion (Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987)4.6 Thieves Like Us (Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987)4.7 The Perfect Kiss (Substance Edit) [Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987]4.8 Sub-culture (Substance Edit) [Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987]4.9 Shellshock (Substance Edit) [Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987]4.10 State of the Nation (Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987)4.11 Bizarre Love Triangle (Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987)4.12 True Faith (Live at Irvine Meadows, San Bernadino California, September 1987)4.13 A24A4A1:A58コメント:Digitally remastered and expanded four CD edition. Originally released via the legendary Factory Records, Substance compiled all of the bands singles to that point in their 12" versions with many of their respective B-sides and specially new recorded versions of Temptation and Confusion. The album also included the biggest selling 12" single of all time, Blue Monday, alongside other classic singles The Perfect Kiss, Bizarre Love Triangle and the bands debut single release Ceremony. The album is the bands biggest selling to date, with over one million copies sold, going platinum in the US with a Top 5 hit in True Faith. The 4CD version includes the original 2CD set remastered with two additional CDs. CD3 expands the collection with alternate versions and extra b-sides. CD4 features an unreleased concert, Live from Irvine Meadows, California, September 12, 1987, where the band uniquely played the entire album in sequence.

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残り 1 5998.2円

(60 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.03.01〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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